Monday, April 6, 2009

[News] "Korea Selatan Canangkan 4 Season 4 Senses" on Indowarta

Korea Selatan Canangkan 4 Season 4 Senses
Senin, 06 April 2009 10:20 Administrator

Jakarta, Indowarta

Bertempat di Shangrila Hotel Jakarta, Jum’at (3/4), KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) mengadakan kegiatan promo daerah tujuan pariwisata negerinya.Kegiatan Promo tersebut juga di ikuti beberapa agen perjalanan/travel yang siap mengantar dan meng-guide anda hingga daerah tujuan wisata di Korea.

Untuk itu, KTO menggandeng Lea An (29) yang merupakan penyanyi asal Korea yang menetap di Singapura sebagai partner untuk mempromosikan kegiatan Hallyu yang telah mereka jalin selama lebih dari 2 tahun. Selain daerah wisata, Korea juga ingin memperkenalkan sisi menarik lain dari negaranya yang di sebut HALLYU. Hallyu adalah cara untuk memperkenalkan sesuatu yang telah populer di negara-negara Asia seperti musik, drama, film dan entertaimen yang merupakan daya tarik lain dari negara yang ber ibukota kan Seoul terebut.

Tema 4 Season 4 Senses kali ini sengaja di angkat karena Korea sebenarnya punya sisi menarik dari 4 musim (semi, gugur, dingin dan panas) tersebut.Dimana tiap-tiap musim memiliki kegiatan dan aneka festival yang berbeda-beda pula. Misalnya untuk musim dingin di Korea akan banyak di penuhi kegiatan bermain Ski, sedangkan bila musim panas tiba daerah pesisir akan sangat di penuhi turis karena sangat indah panoramanya.

Korea bukannya tanpa alasan untuk melakukan 'Tourism Roadshow' ke Indonesia."Kami sangat tersentak ketika mengetahui dari data statistik yang kami peroleh, ternyata selama tahun 2008 kemaren Pengunjung/turis dari Indonesia jumlahnya meningkat hingga 20 % atau 81.000 orang.Dan Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat potensial untuk perkembangan dunia pariwisata negara kami. Oleh karenanya kami juga mengadakan kerjasama dengan organisasi-organisasi pariwisata di Indonesia" kata Direktur KTO Mr.Yang Moon Soo.

Sampai saat ini Korea telah memiliki 10 Masjid dan 50 musollah dimana ada lebih dari 100.000 komunitas muslim aktif melakukakn kegiatan peribadatan di sana.KTO juga mengenalkan menu makanan spesial bagi kaum muslim di beberapa restoran dengan label halal tentunya. Oleh karenanya program turis Korean Wave di perkenalkan kepada masyarakat muslim Indonesia khususnya agar mereka senantiasa merasa nyaman untuk datang kapan pun ke negara Korea.
"Sekarang adalah saat yang tepat untuk berkunjung ke negara kami, karena mata uang kami (Won) mengalami penurunan sebesar 40% terhadap dollar Amerika beberapa bulan terakhir ini. Budaya dan sikap orang Korea tidak jauh berbeda dengan orang Indonesia, masyarakat ke 2 negara ini sama-sama memiliki sikap hangat dan bersahabat terhadap para tamunya "pungkas Mr.Yang. (Bagus/Dhanie)

South Korea Proclaims 4 Season 4 Series
Monday, 06 April 2009 10:20 Administrator
Jakarta, Indowarta

Took place in Shangrilla Hotel Jakarta, Friday (3/4), KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) organized event to promote the tourism of the country. That event also follow by some travel/tour agencies who ready to bring and guide you to the tourism place in Korea.

Therefor, KTO invited Lee An (29) who is a Korean singer that maintain a permanent resindence in Singapore as a partner to promote Hallyu event that they already did for more than 2 years. Beside the tourism place, Korea also wants to introduce the other interesting side of the country that called HALLYU. Hallyu is the way to introduce something that have been popular in Asian countries such as music, drama, film and entertainment which form the other attraction of this country with Seoul as the capital city.

This time topic "4 Seasons 4 Senses" deliberate choosed because Korea has interesting side from 4 seasons (autumn, fall, winter, summer). Which is each season has many different activities and festivals. For example, winter in Korea will full with Ski activities, while when summer is coming the coastal area will full with tourist because the scenary is very beautiful.

It is not the case that Korea do the "Tourism Roadshow" to Indonesia with no reason. "We be very startled when know it that from the statistic data we got, apparently in last 2008 the total of tourists from Indonesia rise up to 20% or 81,000 people. And Indonesia constitute the potential country to develope the tourism in our country. That's why we also arrange cooperation with tourism organizations in Indonesia" said the Director of KTO Mr Yang Moon Soo.

Until this time, Korea already had 10 mosques and 50 mushollas where there are more than 100,000 Muslim communities that active doing obeservance of religious duties there. KTO also introduce foods special for muslim in some restaurants of course with the permitted label. That's why the Korean Wave Tourism program introduced to the Indonesian muslim society in order that they always fell comfortable to come anytime to Korea.

"Now is the right time to visit our country, because our currency (won) has fallen up to 40% toward USD for last few months. Koreanpeope's culture and attitude is similar with Indonesian people, the people in this 2 countries has warm and friendly attitude to their guests" end Mr. Yang (Bagus/Dhanie)

* Thanks for the translation, eve

1 comment:

Eve said...

South Korea Proclaims 4 Season 4 Series
Monday, 06 April 2009 10:20 Administrator
Jakarta, Indowarta

Took place in Shangrilla Hotel Jakarta, Friday (3/4), KTO (Korea Tourism Organization) organized event to promote the tourism of the country. That event also follow by some travel/tour agencies who ready to bring and guide you to the tourism place in Korea.

Therefor, KTO invited Lee An (29) who is a Korean singer that maintain a permanent resindence in Singapore as a partner to promote Hallyu event that they already did for more than 2 years. Beside the tourism place, Korea also wants to introduce the other interesting side of the country that called HALLYU. Hallyu is the way to introduce something that have been popular in Asian countries such as music, drama, film and entertainment which form the other attraction of this country with Seoul as the capital city.

This time topic "4 Seasons 4 Senses" deliberate choosed because Korea has interesting side from 4 seasons (autumn, fall, winter, summer). Which is each season has many different activities and festivals. For example, winter in Korea will full with Ski activities, while when summer is coming the coastal area will full with tourist because the scenary is very beautiful.

It is not the case that Korea do the "Tourism Roadshow" to Indonesia with no reason. "We be very startled when know it that from the statistic data we got, apparently in last 2008 the total of tourists from Indonesia rise up to 20% or 81,000 people. And Indonesia constitute the potential country to develope the tourism in our country. That's why we also arrange cooperation with tourism organizations in Indonesia" said the Director of KTO Mr Yang Moon Soo.

Until this time, Korea already had 10 mosques and 50 mushollas where there are more than 100,000 Muslim communities that active doing obeservance of religious duties there. KTO also introduce foods special for muslim in some restaurants of course with the permitted label. That's why the Korean Wave Tourism program introduced to the Indonesian muslim society in order that they always fell comfortable to come anytime to Korea.

"Now is the right time to visit our country, because our currency (won) has fallen up to 40% toward USD for last few months. Koreanpeope's culture and attitude is similar with Indonesian people, the people in this 2 countries has warm and friendly attitude to their guests" end Mr. Yang (Bagus/Dhanie)