Today I received one present from 천혜 & Lee Hua!
It was pleasnt supprise moment when I open the cover.
Want to say thanks to 천혜 & Lee Hua.
I heard there was heavy raining outside when 천혜 brought it to my company.
비가 많이 내리는데 힘들었을텐데 정말 고마워요!
소중하게 간직할게요! ^ ^
2008. 6. 7.
Glad that you like it! This is a small surprise gift from us to you. We appreciate your nice and kindness. Hope we can do more things to you in future. Thank Wallis helping to bring down the thing to the company, feel bad that I unable to go down due working in the morning.
Looking forward to see you soon! Yeah yeah!
안녕 리안^^,
Was suprised when I open the website and saw that u post it shy =^.^= ㅋㅋㅋ
It's a small gift from both of us to you,glad that you like it^^.
so sweet^^
Thanks You!
It is very beautiful gift. ^ ^
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